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Campaign flyer from the Working Class Party of Michigan

Download: Working People Need a Party Based on Our Own Class

Campaign flyer from the Working Class Party of Illinois

Download: Working People Need a Party Based on Our Own Class

Working People Need a Party Based on Our Own Class

Download: Working People Need a Party Based on Our Own Class

Ed Hershey for a Working Class Party

Ed Hershey

From the Working Class Party of Illinois

Supporters of the idea that the working class needs its own political party petitioned for three months to put Working Class Party on the ballot in Illinois' Fourth Congressional District, with Ed Hershey as its candidate. They talked to people on the streets, outside of supermarkets and drug stores, on train platforms, at festivals and parks. Many people who liked the idea could not sign the petition due to immigration status or because they lived outside of the district. Even with these difficulties, Working Class Party submitted 7,849 signatures to the state. This was well more than the 5,000 required by Illinois law. As a result, voters in this district on the Southwest Side of Chicago and in the nearby suburbs will be able to vote for Working Class Party in November. Instead of the usual two parties of the bosses, workers in this part of Illinois will be able to vote for their own interests in this election.

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