Download: Juan Rey: A Worker for Congress
Let’s Put a Worker on the Ballot!
Candidate for U.S. Congress District 37
Juan Rey

I am a train Mechanic at L.A. Metro
I am running because:
- Big businesses inflate prices to steal from the workers.
- Only low wage/part time jobs with little or no benefits.
- Rent and mortgages are too damn high.
- Public education and essential services are destroyed.
- The U.S. spends our money on their gigantic military and their wars of domination.
To address these problems, working people need:
- To build our own independent political party.
- A Working-Class Party for all workers: union and non-union, black and white, immigrant, and native-born.
- To stand together to defend our class interests.
Juan Rey for Congress
P.O. Box 561646, Los Angeles, CA 90056