California: Juan Rey for U.S. Congress

Juan Rey is running as an independent for U.S. Congress (California 29th District) in the June 5th primary election in the San Fernando Valley.

Juan Rey has worked as a train mechanic at L.A. Metro, the mass transit agency, for 15 years. For the last nine years he has served as an elected union steward. Like many others, he was laid off several times by big profitable companies.

The message of Juan Rey’s campaign is that all workers belong to the same class, the working class, and we are all getting squeezed. To defend ourselves, we will have to fight and carry out those fights together.

Most candidates pay the state filing fee to get on the ballot. But Juan Rey’s campaign will not have to pay the fee. In less than eight weeks, campaign volunteers gathered close to 4,100 signatures. County election officials verified that more than 2,300 of these signatures were of registered voters in the district, which more than fulfilled the 2,000 signature requirement.

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